Simulating & Rendering Squishy Ball 04


17. Lets add two planes to emit the light from. Position them according to the objects and camera.

 make Space for NODE EDITOR window,

 18. Select Floor box, and in Material Tab,
        Click on NEW

19.     In node editor,
Shift + A => Textures => Image Texture

Connect color output of image node to the color output of the diffuse colors input.

20. Now, in Materials tab, you will find an image rollout, where you can select any image for your flooring.
Click on OPEN button and browse for any image for flooring.

21. In order to scale, position and rotate the image you will need Mapping node.
Shift A -> Vector -> Mapping
Now press
Shift A -> input -> Texture Co-ordinate

Connect output of mapping node to the input of image texture node.
Connect object input to the output of mapping (vector)
Tweak the translation, rotation and scale to fit your image on to the floor.

Now to make it reflective,

Add another node, Glossy BSDF and Mix Shader from
Shift + A -> Shader
Break the connection between Diffuse BSDF to Surface.
Connect Diffuse BSDF and Glossy BSDF into MIX Shader and connect Mix Shaders output to Surface.
Lower the color value of glossy BSDF and add some roughness to give blurred refection look.
Refer the image

23. well, now we are done with floor texturing, lets ignite the lights.
Select the plane which we created to light up the scene,
Go to materials tab , add new material,

And delete the diffuse node which comes by default, and instead of that go to
Shift + A -> Shader -> Emission

Change the emission color if you want to. And keep the strength to 15 for now,
Do the same with other light plane with little less emission strength.

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