Simulating & Rendering Squishy Ball 05


24. make a space for another 3d view and change the display type to “RENDERED”
Let it clean up and you will have something like this.

25. Lets add environment to the scene. Go to Environment tab in the property editor,
And if there is already an environment, then delete it. and then,
Click on NEW,
A new rollout will come up,
In that after the color header, click on grey box and select the alternative “image texture” or “Environment Texture”.

Select any .HDR image, and now you will have something like this, if scene becomes dark, increase the multiplier. Like in my case it is kept on 6.  Also increase the light emission strength to control overall feel.

26. We are one step closer now, time to color out the squishy ball.
We will follow the same procedure to add material for this also,
Delete the default diffuse node,
Have a GLASS BSDF (for transparency) and GLOSSY BSDF (for reflection) and Add them into ADD SHADER and connect it to the surface input.
If the reflection is too much, then control it with the color value of Glossy BSDF, white is full reflective where Black is non reflective.
Adjust the roughness value to give it blurred look.
Colorize the glass BSDF to give desired color to your squishy ball. IOR keep it to default & Give some roughness.
Refer the settings and look from image

27. so you are likely to get something like this. Congrats J

28. Time to render Animation
Final things to change is in RENDER tab,
i) Resolution
ii) Integrator – Keep the passes to maximum no so it will get more time to cleanup..

(Note: once you are rendering, make sure that you have planned a short holiday trip :D )

Additionally, If you want multiple squishy balls hitting each other, like this

Keep these things in mind that,

• In order to bake the simulation, you should use “BAKE ALL DYNAMICS ” button.

• Even though all balls are applied with cloth modifier/physics, it doesn’t mean that they will intersect with each other, you will need to add separate collision modifier / physics to it. (like we added to the floor)

• keep the Simulation quality decent enough, it will take longer to calculate but ultimately it will give more settle movements. (Sometimes it may decides to go crazy and act abnormal  :P ).

• And finally, have fun with bouncy balls on the floor.

Play more and get some awesome results…

DO let me know about this tutorial, post the comment Below... :) Send your response or requests to

Thanks and regards,
Nikhil Dhoka

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